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The Intergalactic 

Space Chronicle 

The Ten Commandments of 2170 Virus

For those of you who celebrate Passover, or those of you who are fond of the original Ten Commandments, we have created a 2170 Virus edition for your amusement.

1.     Thou shalt not eat food from a stranger’s plate (more relevant for early virus mode).

2.     Thou shalt not go streaking aka “running naked” during virus isolation mode.

3.     Honour thy pure tech android that brings thou survival essentials.

4.     Thou shalt not commit chocolate over eatery. 

5.     Thou shalt not hide an extra personal survival stash within your household.

6.     Thou shalt not say that stash belongs to one of your kids when caught.

7.     Thou shalt not pee on the floor while in the “V” (Virtual Public Network) even if thou has thou’s Bugo-Bots to clean up thou mess.

8.     Thou shalt not turn toilet paper statues into shrines out of boredom.

9.     Thou shalt not covet they neighbors tech! Just buy your own, it’s not toilet paper.

10.  Thou shalt not watch a good Vflick on they own, without thou’s significant other.


These are our Ten Commandments for the virus. If you have some of your own please add them in the comments. 

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