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Genie in a Bottle –

Be Careful What you Wish for?

By William Freedman

Don’t all beers grant wishes? Perhaps in a sense, yes, but “Genie in a Bottle” takes it one step further with nano-tech particles that travel to your neocortex, where the beer helps you visualize whatever it is you’ve been wishing for.


But beware, sometimes seeing could lead to action, which could actualize the reality you always wanted. But other times seeing is believing, and then waking up to see something else can be quite devastating. 

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For Barry Yuh Genie in a bottle lead him to envision himself finding the throuple he had had always dreamed of. Living on a green pasture and making Lama cheese from his lush Lama farm.


But when he woke up to find himself at a desolate bar with a man named Pete who wouldn’t stop talking about the fish he caught ten years ago, it drove him to drink twenty more bottles, which in turn led him to be hospitalized in a mental ward, where he believes the people are his Lamas and tries to milk them frequently.


But for Ofelia Rocks things couldn’t have ended more differently. After drinking the Genie, Ofelia experienced what she had always dreamt of: having a live wear designer hat line with shifting Ai Statue Hats nestled upon her customer's heads.


The next day Ofelia felt motivated to grab the next hyper speed train to a tech convention in Japan where she met her future business partner, a savvy like-minded young nano-tech molder. Together they have now launched Sculpt Head, hats with shifting clay-like figures you can wear on your head.


Conclusion: Maybe try just the one beer at a location far away from Pete. 


The Intergalactic 

Space Chronicle 

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